Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Antipolo Commuter goes spiritual at Serendra

I've heard about Serendra through friends and ads. I just thought it was a cluster of condominiums located at Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City. Whenever I go to the Fort, I'd find myself at Market! Market! and so far, that's my only tripping at the Fort. One Easter day, my friends and I decided to go to Serendra. They've been there before (in fact, lots of times) since most of them live in or near Makati City. Yes, I'm the only one in the group who lives in Antipolo. More about my life in Antipolo in the next few blogs.

I went with them wondering what we will see at Serendra. Not wanting to feel naive, I kept silent until we got there. I did not know until then that Serendra was also a park and a strip mall. When we got there, there were lots of people. I know from the picture above, it didn't seem like it. I took this picture attempting to capture the park's landscape. Many groups of families were here and some activities geared towards Easter time, such as Easter Egg hunting. But I did say that I went spiritual on my first trip here. There was actually an area in the park that offered a spiritual journey, in keeping with the recently concluded Lenten season.

In cooperation with the Church Simplified, there is a walkway that was designated as Stations of the Cross. I was surprised to see something like this in a place where people just hangout. My friend and I decided to go through all the stations and it was in fact, a refreshing and spiritual experience.

I'd like to point out some of my favorite points for reflection as I go through the entire walkway.

A nice looking crown, yet with a wreath of thorns...simple, yet easily captures the meaning of Christ's image as the King who suffers to save his people from their sins. It looks like a display in a museum, but I found it clever. The true meaning of it though, one has to turn to the explanations one will find on the stations themselves.

I took a closer shot of this to show what is written. It serves as a helpful guide for us who would reflect on each station. The stations are also designed to be interactive. For example, this station reflects on Jesus carrying his cross. After reading through the reflection, a portion of the station labeled "Act" will ask you to do something concrete there and then.

I saw my companion try and carry one of these things. Someone told me that at this station, some people would actually try and carry these crosses around the park or to move on to the next station. Of course, I tried it too, but only to get a feel for its weight. The guides were there to help and these things are even small compared to what Jesus actually carried. As I read the reflection and carry this cross, it made me humble and definitely more repentant than ever. After all, I am one of those whom Jesus tried to save and he had to carry a really heavy cross. Makes you feel small and ashamed after that...but at the same time, thankful to Jesus for what he did.

That's my friend, nailing a piece of black cloth onto a gigantic wooden cross. Those black clothes symbolize our sinfulness. Jesus brought the weight of all our faults and sins on his cross. It was the only way for us to be saved. This nailing of the black cloth is an invitation for all of us to repent and be sorrowful for our sins. Every time we commit sin, it is like nailing our Lord to the cross once again. He is nailed on it so that we might be saved. Again, this experience was humbling and although it causes one great sorrow, in the end Jesus rises from the dead and we become part of God's family.

In the end, WE become one family; WE become brothers and sisters in Christ; WE become the symbols of God's love and mercy here on earth; WE become a community united through Christ; WE become bearers of peace and good will; WE become heralds of the good news of Christ; WE become a community of friends and who will bring other people to come to a relationship with Christ; WE become the defenders of the poor and the oppressed. It's an ongoing mission that does not end on Lenten season.

After that spiritual journey, I grew more appreciative of life and all the blessings that God gives in my life. I guess I can say that being led to Serendra was one of those blessings. Now, I can better appreciate what life has to offer. The challenge now is to bring this blessing to other people, especially those who wouldn't or even couldn't go to a place like Serendra.

I like fountains. Whenever I see one such as these, the flow of the waters offers a relaxing and cool mood. After my journey of the stations of the cross, I felt refreshed and energized as though a spring of fresh water has entered into my life--it cleansed me, moved me and reminded me of God's love for his beloved people.

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