Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Commuter in Munich, Germany: A Neighborhood Walk

In the summer of 2009 (in Europe at least), I had the opportunity to go around selected cities in Germany. It has been a long time dream of mine to visit the country. In this first city that the choir and I have visited (see my previous blogs regarding this choir), I looked forward to a walk around the neighborhood.

Welcome to Munich!

What else could be neighborly than this sign located near the arrival exit of the airport in Munich. The choir and I have gathered around this sign as marking our first ever trip to Germany. We've had lots of pictures taken around this sign and so much more when we exited the terminal building.

Taken just outside the terminal building
Everyone wants to get a shot at the first plaza that welcomed us just outside the terminal building. You see some members of the choir and our luggage scattered almost everywhere. Not that we would want to abandon anything. But you know the feeling of being so excited to come out of the airport, of a country that you've never been to, that you simply want to go around and take pictures of things that are seemingly ordinary? Click, click, click!

A tram terminal similar to a bus stop
Of course, we had to be on our way. So we boarded a train from the airport to our first destination here at Rosenheimer Platz. Why did I take a picture of what looks like an ordinary bus stop? Well, it ain't a bus stop. It is a terminal where people wait to get on board a tram.

Tracks of the tram
Well, the tram hasn't arrived yet. So I took this picture of the neighborhood around the terminal. Here you can see the tracks of the tram. When the tram did arrive however, I had to get a handle on my luggage (we came from the airport, yes?) That means I can't miss this tram! When it did arrive, my hands are full as I was holding on to my luggage, one big and one small. So I missed taking a picture of it.

Beautiful rows of trees, surrounded by a flower bush along a footpath
Instead of living in hostels or paid lodges, my choir and I were hosted by a group of German families. This is thanks to the connection of our German friend, Ralph. My host family escorted us to their apartment, which was walking distance from the school where we were picked up. It was a delight to me. I could see a lot of things and this has truly become a neighborhood walk.

Town Plaza or a roundabout
We met our hostess' hubby here. He came to us riding on a bike and he actually came from work. As our hostess was taking us around, she told us that everything that we need is within walking distance: grocery stores, restaurants, drug stores, bakery, and so much more. One can actually go to work on a bike. Meanwhile, I took a picture of this fountain. Love it!

Looking around the Platz (or town plaza), I happen to see a familiar sight. In the Philippines, you'd normally see this bank in one of the high-rise buildings. Here, it's part of the neighborhood.
The Bakery! Those breads look absolutely appetizing!
Grocery store! Let's take a look inside.
Berries of various kinds: you wouldn't want to miss this before coming into the grocery store.
Food stuff: the interior of the grocery store
Fresh vegetables!
Curiously enough, when we passed by the bakeshop (or the bakery?), my friend and I wanted to take a peek inside. The owner was gracious enough to allow us to take pictures inside. The breads are huge and really enticing to eat. The smell is just awesome...hmmm...freshly baked bread! Moving on we came across a grocery store. It was quite small, but well packed with a lot of fresh items: meats, deli, fruits and vegetables. Wish we had time to actually shop, but we had to go home as our hostess beckons us since it was already time for dinner.

Well, this is the way home to our host family's apartment. See that person with an umbrella? It's suppose to be summer when we went to Munich. Yet the weather, like in Austria, remained cool and also rainy. It didn't actually dampen my spirits at all. Because of this short walk around the neighborhood, I grew to appreciate the new atmosphere and almost looked forward to the prospect of visiting more sights, more places around Munich--rain or shine!

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